Thursday, September 20, 2007

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Jeanne Simuneks comments on another post inspired me to begin a page about the kindness and help of good neighbors. So I will start with an excerpt from her story.
"............. we bought the old Ed Vandemore farm that joined our land & we moved up on the hill the year after we had all the snow & flooding in 1969 & 70.The water was up to the house yard. All the neighbors came to help move things.The water ruined the railroad tracks just beyond our yard fence. Gene started a welding shop on the farm when we moved up to the new house on the hill. He had a portable welder in a pickup truck & would go to the farmers when they needed work done. Then we had a fire that destroyed his shop. He lost the first tractor he owned that he had bought from his dad. I lost my '58 Buick Century that my mom gave me when she quit driving. I had just told Greg a few days before he could share the car with me if he would help take care of it. Again all the neighbors & many friends came to help put out the fire along with the volunteer firemen from Hudson,(where Greg is now a volunteer firefighter)Fairview,& Canton.And many of them helped build a new shop.We lived on the farm for 20 years ............"

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